



Open source is everywhere. An efficient Open-Source-Management framework and the use of suitable processes and toolchains are prerequisites for the legally compliant and sustainable use of OSS. Bitsea supports you in all aspects of Open-Source-Management.



Open source is everywhere. An efficient Open-Source-Management framework and the use of suitable processes and toolchains are prerequisites for the legally compliant and sustainable use of OSS. Bitsea supports you in all aspects of Open-Source-Management.

Companies drive their digital future through open innovation and benefit from shared knowledge and development capacities as well as strategic, open development and innovation alliances. They strengthen their digital sovereignty, reduce the vendor lock-in effect and improve IT security, quality and transparency through Open-Source communities.

Experienced developers do not write their code from scratch, but use Open-Source for development. Reasons are to improve productivity, shorten development time and reduce development costs. AI is providing more and more support in the creation of software. Trained by code from Open-Source repositories, High-quality code can be generated at lightning speed.

It is important to respect intellectual property and licence requirements. For legally compliant use, all Open-Source components in a software must be known and continuously checked for security vulnerabilities.

The European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is currently being developed in the EU. With DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) and NIS 2 Directive, the European Union has created a financial sector-wide regulation for cyber security, ICT risks and digital operational resilience.

An efficient Open-Source-Management framework and the use of suitable processes and tool chains such as Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and Software Asset Management (SAM) are prerequisites for the legally compliant and sustainable use of OSS. Professional management of intellectual property in your software supply chain with existing standards such as ISO 5230 and ISO 5962.

Bitsea supports you in all aspects of Open-Source-Management so that you as a company are protected against a lack of compliance and cyber attacks on the software supply chain.

Protection against risks

  • Compliance

    Protection against legal risks such as third-party intellectual property (IP) and licence obligations.

  • Cybersecurity

    Protection against security gaps and vulnerabilities in software supply chains: Continuous monitoring.

  • Export restrictions

    Many components, often with algorithms for encryption, are subject to strict export restrictions with drastic penalties.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)

    AI systems, trained by code fragments from Open-Source repositories, often generate code without regards to and without mentioning copyrights and licences.

  • Licence changes

    Some Open-Source projects change the underlying permissive licence to a more restrictive licence when an update is released. This requires continuous monitoring of the components and versions used.

  • Policy protection

    68% of companies have no internal policy regarding the use of Open- Source. The majority of developers are aware of less than 10% of the Open-Source content in their products (Source: Bitkom Open Source Monitor 2023).

  • Eliminate uncontrolled use of Open-Source to avoid copyright infringement, litigation, security vulnerabilities and operational risks. Meet licence obligations and avoid sanctions or penalties.

Bitsea's Services

  • Benefit from sustainable Open-Source-Security, -risk and -compliance management.

  • Consulting

    Bitsea advises customers comprehensively on Open-Source-Strategy, Open-Source-Governance, Open-Source-Processes, toolchains and offers an Open-Source-Program-Office (OSPO) and scanning as a managed service. We offer extensive workshops and training courses to sensitize your teams.

  • Development

    Bitsea builds and operates Open-Source-Tool-Chains and the associated infrastructure independently of tools and customised to clients needs. If required, our developers can customise interfaces, tools or reports.

  • Audits

    Our experienced Bitsea audit team identifies and monitors operational OSS risks and helps you ensure source code compliance. Bitsea uses a multi-factor approach to Software Composition Analysis (SCA). You receive a transparent bill of materials (SBOM) of components, security vulnerabilities, licences and licence obligations. We monitor your entire supply chain and also help your suppliers to provide the data you need. The focus is on automation and the reuse of already curated data.
    We provide support with legal issues together with our wide partner network.

  • Engagement OpenChain

    As an OpenChain partner, we provide support in the preparation and introduction of an Open-Source licence compliance program in accordance with ISO/IEC 5230 and advise on OpenChain Security Assurance in accordance with ISO/IEC 18974.

  • Embedded Systems

    The size of the system is a major cost driver in the analysis. Particularly with embedded systems such as Yocto/Linux or frameworks such as Android, the effort and time involved can often be reduced to a fraction by intelligently tailoring the object of investigation. Bitsea has developed an automated process to identify relevant sources in advance and eliminate unused source code. This saves time and costs.




Software components of the end product: Firm's code base, open source, own and commercial code

Software is built by components from various origins. Bitseas’ comprehensive approach
will help you to understand the roots of your code.

Full forensic

Bar chart about forensic analysis


Analysis of Source code, binary files, archives, containers, build dependencies, subcomponents, patches, modified and partial matches to Open Source components.



Identification of copy pasted code (“snippets”) and modifications inside proprietary code.

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More than 20,000 documented Software vulnerabilities in 2019 alone are at an all-time high. Monitor vulnerabilities proactively and continuously. Get actionable alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities in current and shipped products.

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150TB on-premise database, 14 million open source components, 400000 component maps to vulnerability


Get access to 150 TB on premise Database. Bitsea uses the largest, most comprehensive Open Source library with more than 14 million Open Source components. It maps over 400,000 component versions to vulnerabilities.


of BoM

100 million LOC analyzed by Bitsea experts, 95% of companies use open source, 10% of components are known

95% of mainstream IT organizations leverage nontrivial open-source software assets within their mission-critical IT Portfolio. Organizations are aware of less than 10% of their Open Source use. Bitseas experts have analyzed more than 100,000,000 LOC to create a complete bill of material (BoM).



Discover Open Source obligations with our highly trained expert auditors.

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Training & Coaching

Bitsea offers Open Source license compliance seminars for managers, project managers, and developers

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M&A Software

due diligence

Bitsea's independent expert assessment and advice is standardized, fair and objective.

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Automation of the tool chain, integration into existing infrastructure, inventory, cataloging, reuse


Open Source-License-Compliance accordnig to ISO 5230

Identification of



Analyse der Software-komponenten

Software-Komponenten des Endproduktes: Firmen-Code-Basis, Open Source, eigener Code, kommerzieller Code

Software wird aus verschiedenen Komponenten mit unterschiedlicher Herkunft aufgebaut. Der vollumfängliche Analyseansatz von Bitsea hilft ihnen, die Quelle und Abstammung Ihres Codes zu verstehen.

Forensische Analyse

Balkendiagramm zur forensischen Analyse

Analyse des Quellcodes, Binärdateien, Container, Build-Abhängigkeiten, Unterkomponenten, Patches, modifizierte Open-Source-Komponenten und Fragmente derselben.

Erkennung von Codefragmenten

Identifizierung von kopiertem und geändertem Open Source Code innerhalb des eigenentwickelten Codes.

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Allein im Jahr 2019 sind mehr als 20.000 Schwachstellen dokumentiert worden und markieren ein neues Allzeitloch. Überwachen Sie Schwachstellen proaktiv und kontinuierlich. Erhalten Sie Warnmeldungen für neu entdeckte Schwachstellen Ihrer Produkte.

Sicherheitsschwachstellen Icon


150 TB lokale Datenbank, 14 Millionen Open Source Komponenten, 400.000 Schwachstellen

Mit einer 150 TB umfassenden Datenbank verwendet Bitsea die größte, umfangreichste Open Source Bibliothek mit mehr als 14 Millionen Open Source Komponenten. Über 400.000 Komponenten können auf Schwachstellen analysiert werden.

Erstellung der Stückliste BoM

100 Millionen LOC analysiert von Bitseas Experten, 95% der Unternehmen setzen Open Source ein, 10% der eingesetzten Komponenten sind bekannt

95% der etablierten IT-Organisationen setzen Open Source Software innerhalb ihres geschäftsrelevanten IT-Portfolios ein. Organisationen kennen weniger als 10% ihrer Open Source-Komponenten. Bitseas Experten haben bisher schon mehr als 100 Mio. LOC im Kundenauftrag analysiert um Stücklisten (BoM) zu erstellen.


Unsere hochqualizierten Auditoren unterstützen Sie beim Management von Open Source-Lizenzverpflichtungen.

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Schulung & Coaching

Bitsea bietet Schulungen über Open Source Compliance für Manager, Projektmanager und Entwickler an.

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Due-Diligence Prüfung

Bitsea ist unabhängig. Unsere Beratung und Bewertung durch Experten sind standardisiert, fair und objektiv.

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Automation of the tool chain, integration into existing infrastructure, inventory, cataloging, reuse


Open Source-License-Compliance accordnig to ISO 5230

Identification of

